Eric Rasmussen

The E Block.

Welcome to The E Block. – more than just a ‘reporter’s notebook,’ I’m using this space to share my insight on public speaking, storytelling, and the products that help me do my job as a journalist and an investigator. This will also be a place where you can learn more about me.

As a reporter for 25 years, the mantra that ‘I am NOT the story’ is deeply ingrained in my DNA. But the stories I tell and my experiences along the way all influence how I see the world as a person, a husband, a father, and a son.

I have some crazy stories to tell. Even on some of my biggest investigations, there is not always enough time to share what is really going on behind the scenes. I also know I don’t have all the answers, but I hope we can make this a two-way conversation.

  • Nine Seconds

    The investigative reports we produce are often considered “long” in the world of local TV news. The “long” pieces I’ve been a part of range from two minutes…

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  • Getting Action

    At all of the major market newsrooms in which I’ve worked over the years, emailed “tips” from viewers come at the speed and volume of water from a…

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  • The Future Is Here

    A trusted journalist, teacher, and mentor to many reporters, Al Tompkins, started a recent social media post with these words: “It’s happening.” He’s talking about the worldwide trend…

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  • (Anti) Social Media

    I wasn’t prepared for the backlash. After 25 years in the TV news business, you would think that I would have a good idea about when a particular…

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  • When You Can’t Say “I Don’t Know.”​

    It was Sunday morning around 5:30 AM when photographer Allysa and I were headed to cover the second day of the Loppet World Cup cross country skiing event…

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  • Product Review: Google Pinpoint Nails It

    NERD ALERT: I spend a lot of time with documents and other data, so when I heard about a new product from Google to help journalists manage large…

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